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Topic Creation Hub


Your topic hub for the 2024-2025 school year!

Interested in being part of the topic creation process? This page will show you how to suggest topics, learn about how topics are selected, and apply to be part of a topic wording committee.

Debate Topics

Public Forum Debate

Public Forum

Topic Wording Process

The NSDA will create a PF wording committee made up of coaches and alumni. Individuals interested in being on the wording committee will submit an application, and the final committee is selected by January. This committee will evaluate the topic suggestions submitted by students and coaches in order to write a slate of potential resolutions. 

The wording committee is responsible for researching topics, evaluating topic options based on the NSDA Topic Rubric, soliciting feedback from their networks, and attending several virtual meetings with committee members between January and June. 

The committee will share their potential topic list with students and coaches to receive feedback throughout the year and continue to make revisions. The Monday following the conclusion of the National Tournament, a list of two topics for each topic cycle will be announced. 

One week prior to the topic being released for that topic cycle, one chapter advisor per active school and member students will vote on which of the two topics they prefer. Topics are announced at

The PF wording committee meets later in the year to select National Tournament topic options to ensure they’re up to date.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate


Topic Wording Process

The NSDA will create an LD wording committee made up of coaches and alumni. Individuals interested in being on the wording committee will submit an application, and the final committee is selected in January. This committee will evaluate the topic suggestions submitted by students and coaches in order to write a slate of potential resolutions. 

The wording committee is responsible for researching topics, evaluating topic options based on the NSDA Topic Rubric, soliciting feedback from their networks, and attending several virtual meetings with committee members between January and June. 

The committee will share their potential topic list with students and coaches to receive feedback throughout the year and continue to make revisions. The Monday following the conclusion of the National Tournament, a list of three topics for each topic cycle will be announced. 

One week prior to the topic being released for that topic cycle, one chapter advisor per active school and member students will vote on which of the two topics they prefer. Topics are announced at

Group of students standing on stage at the National Tournament with their trophies


Topic Wording Process

The annual Policy topic is determined each year through a process managed by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). Check out this video » 

The NFHS and NSDA offer two fellowships for coaches or alumni who enhance the diversity of the topic selection process to attend and write a topic paper for the meeting. Learn more about the fellowship »

National Tournament Topics


Congress Legislation

Topic Wording Process

Any high school or middle school NSDA member student, regardless of their national qualification status, is able to directly submit one or more pieces of legislation to be considered for the 2025 National Tournament Docket! If your legislation is selected, you will be recognized in Rostrum, receive an award after the tournament, and be awarded a $100 scholarship. Submissions will be open Oct 1, 2024. Deadline will be Feb 5, 2025, voting will be April 29-May 2

A review committee of volunteer coaches will narrow down initial submissions in March to the top 55 items. Between April 29-May 2, students who will be competing in Congress at the National Tournament will rank the remaining legislation to determine what makes the docket!


Extemp Questions

Topic Wording Process

The NSDA will create an Extemp question wording committee made up of coaches and alumni. Individuals interested in being on the wording committee will submit an application, and the final committee is selected by February. 

The wording committee is responsible for researching, drafting questions, evaluating topic options based on the NSDA Topic Rubric, and attending a few onboarding virtual meetings with committee members between March and April. 

Topic areas that will be used for the National Tournament will be announced in alphabetical order on May 1 at

World Schools Debate

World Schools

Topic Wording Process

The United States World Schools Debate Invitational that is held alongside the National Tournament uses both prepared and impromptu motions. Prepared motions are created by a committee of coaches and alumni with experience in World Schools Debate. Individuals interested in being on the prepared motions committee will submit an application, and the final committee is selected by February. Impromptu motions are created by a group of coaches from across the world who are unaffiliated with any teams attending the National Tournament.  

The prepared motions committee is responsible for researching topics, evaluating topic options based on the NSDA Topic Rubric, soliciting feedback from their networks, and attending several virtual meetings with committee members between February and April. Prepared motions will be announced on May 1.


Limited Prep Prompts

Topic Wording Process

The NSDA will create several different committees made up of coaches and alumni that will craft topics for Extemp Debate and prompts for Impromptu and Extemp Commentary. Individuals interested in being on these wording committees will submit an application, and the final committees will be selected by February. 

Each committee is responsible for researching, drafting questions, evaluating topic options based on the NSDA Topic Rubric, and attending a few onboarding virtual meetings with committee members between March and April. 

Topic areas for Impromptu and Extemp Commentary that will be used for the National Tournament will be announced in alphabetical order on May 1 at


What is the NSDA’s role in this process?

The NSDA is offering this board as service to tournament directors, schools, teams, and judges. The NSDA in no way endorses the judges that offer their time. Each school should follow their district/school’s applicable policies for hiring and vetting. Additionally, the NSDA will not be involved in any financial agreement between a school and a judge.

How much should judges get paid?

Schools and judges determine their own rates. A commonly observed rate is around $20-$30 per hour-long round.

How often is this list updated?

Judges have signed up on the judge board within this academic year. The list is cleared each July and judges must sign-up again for the next academic year.

Who can sign up to judge?

Anyone who has graduated high school is welcome to sign up to judge. From there, each school should follow its district/school’s applicable policies for hiring and vetting. Additionally, the NSDA will not be involved in any financial agreement between a school and a judge.

Who should I contact with my questions and/or concerns about this process?

Please direct your emails to Elgin Woody at

Sign Up to Judge

Interested in being a judge for NSDA-affiliated and/or school-affiliated tournaments? Sign up below!

Judges are some of the most vital contributors to the speech and debate community. For many tournaments, judges are the limiting factor without which tournaments would not be possible.

Sign up below to use your skills and expertise so more students can compete in speech and debate!

"*" indicates required fields



What is your current role with speech and debate? Check all that apply*

I am interested in judging the following events *

Please make sure to select options from all 3 sections.

I graduated high school prior to 2020


What time zone are you located in?

Judging Availability

Where are you available to judge? Check all that apply
I have completed the free NSDA Judge Accreditation modules.*
Please visit our NSDA Judge Accreditation page for more info.
Are you interested in being hired to judge the 2025 National Tournament in Des Moines Area on June 15-20, 2025?*
0 of 120 max characters
Are you interested in volunteering, being compensated, or both? Check all that apply.*
I understand that this is not a contract or a guarantee of judging. My payment will be determined by the respective coach(es) and not by the NSDA.*
You may voluntarily disclose dietary restrictions and other accommodations needed.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.