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Speech and debate skills can help with several aspects of transitioning to college, including writing a great application and demonstrating readiness for college-level work. If you plan to continue speech and debate competition after high school, you can also explore one of many scholarships available for college participation!

College Provided Scholarships

Would you like to submit a scholarship or request a change to a current listing?

NSDA Provided Scholarships

The National Speech & Debate Tournament provides more than $100,000 in scholarships to student competitors.

Become a Standout Candidate

Your speech and debate skills already set you apart from other students. Take your craft to the next level with more than 50 individual drills and practice activities for delivery, prep, strategy, memorization, characterization, movement, and more.

Stay updated on student opportunities by signing up for this newsletter! Once a month, we’ll send you access to free judge training materials, ways to be a great speech and debate volunteer and team booster, information on student opportunities like scholarships, awards, and free competition resources, and special ways to sport your speech and debate pride!