NFHS/NSDA Policy Debate Topic Fellowship Application Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)School and State(Required) For example: Harrison Hills (WI). If you are affiliated with multiple schools, please list them all.Are you an active NSDA member coach?(Required) Yes No Other Please describe your Policy Debate (competing and/or coaching) experience.(Required)Please describe any work you have done related to topic writing, topic selection, or topic paper writing.(Required)If you have a sample topic paper to link to, please do! What unique perspective(s) will you bring to the topic selection and writing process?(Required)I agree to abide by the NSDA Honor Code if selected as a fellow.(Required) Yes Review the Honor Code at selected, I will attend the 2025 NFHS Topic Selection meeting in Austin, Texas, from August 1-3.(Required) Yes I have reviewed the expectations for fellows, and if selected, I will commit to writing a topic paper for the 2026 NFHS Topic Selection meeting in accordance with deadlines and standards set by the NFHS.(Required) Yes NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.