NSDA Logo Use Guidelines
The National Speech & Debate Association logo and insignia are an important part of our organization’s identity.

To preserve their value as images of the NSDA, our logo and insignia must be used in a manner that is consistent with our values and support our mission. The following guidelines regulate the use of the National Speech & Debate Association name, logo, and insignia by school and individual members within the organization and by individuals and institutions outside the Association, as authorized.
The use regulated by this policy refers to the identification, statement, or display of the National Speech & Debate Association name, logo, or insignia in any way that may reasonably be interpreted as implying endorsement, approval, or sponsorship by the NSDA.
To use the NSDA logo or insignia, you must obtain prior written permission. You may email Emily Bratton, Graphic Designer and Publications Assistant, at emily.bratton@speechanddebate.org to obtain permission and receive a logo package containing high-resolution copies of the logo. The NSDA maintains the right to refuse its logo to anyone at any time for any reason. Previous use of the logo does not entitle a party to future use; each use must be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Standards for Use of the National Speech & Debate Association Name, Logo, or Insignia
Schools, members, and external organizations may apply for permission to use the National Speech & Debate Association name, logo, or insignia as a symbol of membership in or partnership with the NSDA. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Team T-shirts, banners, or other team paraphernalia.
- Stationery, business cards, and other materials used by a team or member school.
- Publications such as award programs, yearbooks, websites, or social media pages.
- Informational handouts or promotional materials not created by the NSDA.
- Use in television and films. (Note: Requests to include references to the NSDA in films, television programs, and similar programs should be referred to Alyssa Rivera, Marketing Communications Specialist, at alyssa.rivera@speechanddebate.org.)
The NSDA logo should be used by active member schools for activities that support speech and debate and for non-commercial purposes only. Permission is generally not granted for the use of the National Speech & Debate Association name, logo, or insignia where the activity involves:
- The sale of a product or service (e.g., NSDA branded merchandise such as mugs, calendars, and jewelry; the use of the NSDA logo to advertise a camp, institute, or consultant; etc.).
- Fundraising, advertising, or promotional effort for any entity other than the NSDA (e.g., when fundraising, it should be made clear that the funds collected will benefit the individual school or program, not the NSDA as a whole).
Use of the NSDA logo is not permitted on certificates or in any fashion that may signify NSDA accreditation or endorsement of any program, contract, or service not directly sanctioned by the Association. The logo is not to be used on any educational material or resource prepared by any entity not directly sanctioned by the NSDA.
Before authorizing use of the National Speech & Debate Association name, logo, or insignia, the NSDA will consider the general criteria of accuracy, appropriateness, and fair value of the use. The following factors will be considered:
- Whether the relationship between the NSDA and the activity, product, or publication is accurately represented.
- Whether the use is appropriate to the NSDA’s values and mission.
- Whether satisfactory arrangements have been made concerning the interest (if any) to be held by the NSDA in intellectual property and income resulting from the proposed activity.
Standards for Members
Member schools and individual members (e.g., schools, districts, coaches, students, and alumni) may use the NSDA name to identify themselves (e.g., “Jane Doe, coach member, National Speech & Debate Association” or “West Iowa District, National Speech & Debate Association”). In using or authorizing use of the NSDA name to identify themselves in connection with activities conducted with outside individuals and entities (e.g., authoring a book), members should assure that the NSDA name is used in a manner that does not imply endorsement or responsibility for the particular activity, product, or publication involved.
In general, students are permitted to identify themselves in publications or other public activities with an accurate, specific affiliation (e.g. “John Doe, Academic All American, National Speech & Debate Association” or “student member, National Speech & Debate Association”) so long as this is done in a manner that makes clear they are students and does not imply NSDA endorsement or responsibility for any particular activity, product, or publication involved.
When to Use an EPS, PNG, or JPG File
When your logo request is approved, you will receive a logo package from the NSDA. To ensure the logo is legible and at the appropriate resolution and format, three file options are included in each logo package. You should choose the format that best suits your use and retains the highest quality of presentation.
- EPS files are in a vector format and are meant to increase in size without any pixelation or distortion. EPS is the preferred format for any print publication including advertisements or t-shirts. EPS files have a transparent background.
- PNG files are ideal for using in digital media, such as PowerPoint presentations or online. PNG files have a transparent background. A PNG should never be used in printing.
- JPG files can be used for printed materials like Word Documents and Publisher files. JPG files have a background which is usually white that may not be ideal for some uses.
- Note: For optimum quality, neither PNG nor JPG files should be enlarged over their original size, which is provided at a size large enough to encompass most uses.
- Stretch or distort the logo.
- Change the colors of the logo.
- Alter the arrangement or design of the logo.
- Add to the logo.
You must allow us to review the artwork before printing or publishing digitally (online/email). You may email the proof to emily.bratton@speechanddebate.org for that approval.
If you have any other questions not answered here, please email Emily Bratton, Graphic Designer and Publications Assistant, at emily.bratton@speechanddebate.org.