Middle School National Tournament
June 17-20, 2025
The 2025 Middle School National Tournament will be held in person in Des Moines, Iowa on June 17-20, 2025. This is an open invitational tournament, and all middle school NSDA members are welcome to compete for a chance to be named a middle school national champion!
Registration opens on March 15 at msnats.tabroom.com.
2025 Middle School National Tournament Sponsors
If you or your company are interested in supporting speech and debate, please consider a financial contribution or contact us for more information.
- Students must have been in the fifth, sixth, seventh, or eighth grade during the 2024-2025 academic school year.
- There is no qualification process; this is an open tournament.
- Students and schools must have NDSA memberships.
- Coaches must certify that each contestant entered under their school name is a student at this middle school and will be under the supervision of a supervising adult who is the student’s parent, coach, or school administrator, approved by the school principal by agreeing to the disclaimer prior to registering. No forms need to be uploaded, but evidence that a school has violated this agreement could result in disqualification of the school’s entries.
Non-School Clubs
- Students involved with non-school clubs must instead be registered with the school at which they are enrolled. Contestants found to be violating this rule will be disqualified.
- The Board of Directors affirms the creation, support, and development of speech and debate programs at the middle and secondary levels through accredited public and private schools.
- All members of the Association must be school-based. For any club or organization that does not currently have a school-based membership, the NSDA is eager to work with you to create school-based speech and debate teams.
- Homeschools and virtual schools that are recognized by the state in which those schools compete may join the National Speech & Debate Association. Please contact info@speechanddebate.org for more information.

Tournament Details
General Info
- Tabroom.com Registration
- Entries & Events
- Judging & Attendees
- Fees
- Travel
- Discounts
- Meals & Attractions
- Safety
Deadline: May 15
- All registration materials are due. This includes payment, judges, script information, judge paradigms, certification judges have completed the required training, and entry details.
- Adult Contact Info: On the General tab of your school’s registration in Tabroom.com, you will need to enter the adult contact information (name, email, phone number) of the main contact for your school and save before you can move forward with your school’s registration. Before you arrive at the tournament, make sure you enter a secondary contact as well. These are the people we will contact in the lead up to the tournament regarding your school’s registration and at the tournament in case of emergency.
- Coach Recognition: On the General tab of your school’s Tabroom.com registration, you will enter the names of coaches you would like to be recognized as school coaches if your school is recognized at the awards ceremony.
- Hotel information: Schools staying within the NSDA hotel block receive a 15% discount on all entry fees. Schools must select the hotel they are staying at and at least one confirmation code from their hotel booking in their Tabroom.com registration, and this discount will be automatically applied.
Events Offered
- All events will be held live and in-person in the Des Moines, Iowa metro area.
- An event may be canceled if fewer than 25 entries are registered.
- Debate: Big Questions, World Schools, Policy, Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum, Congressional Debate
- Speech: Pattern A: Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Mixed Extemporaneous Speaking, Storytelling, Poetry, and Original Oratory. Pattern B: Dramatic Interpretation, Program Oral Interpretation, Informative, Prose, Original Spoken Word Poetry, Impromptu, and Declamation.
- No supplemental events will be offered.
- May 1: National Tournament topics for LD, PF, topic areas in Impromptu and Mixed Extemp, and prepared motions in WS can be found at www.speechanddebate.org/national-tournament-topics.
May 15: The docket for Congressional Debate will be available at www.speechanddebate.org/topics.
Entry Limits
- Each school may enter up to 8 entries per event.
- Once we reach capacity, we will close registration in applicable competition events. This may happen before the entry deadline.
- No double entry is permitted in debate events. Students may not enter debate and speech events.
- In speech, students can enter up to 4 total events (no more than 2 per pattern). Students cannot double enter in Pattern A if they are in Extemporaneous Speaking.
- Pattern A: HI, DUO, EXT, STO, POE, OO
- Pattern B: DI, POI, INF, PRO, SW, IMP, DEC
Entry Requirements
- Entry Release Forms: Coaches must acquire a signed Entry Release Form for each competitor before the first day of National Tournament competition. Copies of the signed forms do NOT need to be uploaded to Tabroom.com. These signed forms must be retained by the coach through December 31, 2025, and tournament officials may request this signed form at any point during and immediately following the competition. Failure to produce these forms may result in disqualification from competition.
- Script Information: On the Entries tab of your school’s Tabroom.com registration, select the blue and white edit button to complete the required information for each of your registered students. If you have entries in speech events, this page will ask you to input information about each entry’s piece (title, author, publication info, if applicable). Copies of the script do not need to be uploaded, but students must have access to their original source and a copy of their cutting available during the tournament in case of a protest.
- School Agreement: Coaches must certify that each contestant entered under their school name is a student at this middle school and will be under the supervision of a supervising adult who is the student’s parent, coach, or school administrator, approved by the school principal by agreeing to the disclaimer prior to registering. No forms need to be uploaded, but evidence that a school has violated this agreement could result in disqualification of the school’s entries.
Judging Obligations
- Minimum Requirement: Schools are required to bring at least one judge per judge category in which they have entries competing (Policy, Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, World Schools, Big Questions, Congress, Speech).
- Judge Buy-Outs: If a school owes more than one judge in a category, they may choose to buy-out their obligation for $160 per judge.
- Policy: 1 judge is owed per 2 entries or fraction thereof.
- World Schools: 1 judge is owed per 2 entries or fraction thereof.
- Public Forum: 1 judge is owed per 3 entries or fraction thereof.
- Lincoln-Douglas: 1 judge is owed per 3 entries or fraction thereof.
- Big Questions: 1 judge is owed per 3 entries or fraction thereof.
- Congress: 1 judge is owed per school.
- Speech: 1 judge is owed for every 5 entries or fraction thereof.
Judge Requirements
- High school judges: High school National Tournament participants who are no longer competing on Wednesday are welcome to judge at the Middle School National Tournament! To be eligible, they must have completed their junior or senior year of high school and have 250+ Honor Society points. They should sign up in advance using the “Judge Signup” tab at msnats.tabroom.com and arrive at either Timberline or South by 8:15 a.m. CT on Wednesday to check in with tournament staff. They will be required to attend a judge training session before they are permitted to judge.
By May 15, all judges in the Middle School National Tournament must have completed the required judge accreditation modules and claimed their badges in Tabroom.com.
To complete a module means that the judge has watched the video, scored 100% on the corresponding quiz, and claimed their badge in Tabroom.com. Thank you for helping us ensure that all students at the National Tournament have high quality judging!
All judge accreditation modules can be found at www.speechanddebate.org/judge-accreditation. Judges must create or log in to a free NSDA account before beginning.
After judges have completed a module, they must navigate to Tabroom.com and select “Upcoming” under the Judging header on the right side of the page. They will see all required accreditation modules listed under the Middle School National Tournament header. They should select the blue and white edit button next to the relevant module, certify that Yes they have completed it, and “Save Answers.”
Congress judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Congress, and Level 2: Judging Congressional Debate.
Policy judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Debate, and Level 2: Judging Policy Debate.
Public Forum judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Debate, and Level 2: Judging Public Forum Debate.
Lincoln-Douglas judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Debate, and Level 2: Judging Lincoln-Douglas Debate.
Big Questions judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Debate, and Level 2: Judging Big Questions Debate.
World Schools judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Debate, and Level 2: Judging World Schools Debate.
Speech judges: Must complete the following modules – Level 1: Intro to Multicultural Competence, Level 1: Intro to Judging Speech, Level 2: Judging HI, DI, and DUO, Level 2: Judging Extemp, Level 2: Judging OO and INF, and Level 2: Judging POI.
- Policy and Lincoln-Douglas Paradigms: Judges in Policy and LD must complete the Paradigm Form Questionnaire.
- Judge Forms: Judges can complete all required forms and training by logging into Tabroom.com, selecting “NSDA Middle School Nationals” under the Judging header, and selecting “Judge Forms”.
- Conflicts: Judges must have conflicts listed in Tabroom.com by May 15. Failure to report conflicts by this deadline may result in forfeiture of the school’s judge bond.
- Tabroom.com Accounts: All judges must have a linked Tabroom.com account. Online ballots will be used in every main and supplemental event.
- Judges: If your Tabroom.com account shows “Welcome to Tabroom!”, you will need to link your account to your school before you are eligible to judge at the National Tournament.
- Select “Link your account” under the “Are you a judge?” header.
- Search for your first and last name as they appear on your school’s Tabroom.com judging roster.
- Select “Link” next to your name and school.
- If it says there are no judges with your name, ask the coach of the school you are judging for how your name is displayed on the roster so you can type it in exactly.
- The coach of the school you’re judging for will receive an email notification to log in to Tabroom.com, select the Judges tab to access your school’s roster, and approve your request to be linked!
- To double check you are all set up and ready to judge, make sure NSDA Middle School National Tournament is listed under the Judging header on the right side of your Tabroom.com account.
- Judges: If your Tabroom.com account shows “Welcome to Tabroom!”, you will need to link your account to your school before you are eligible to judge at the National Tournament.
Judge Availability and Scheduling
- All judges are committed through the end of the tournament and are expected to judge any round assigned within their event group.
- Judges will not receive assignments until up to 30 minutes prior to the round’s start time.
- All ballots and judging assignments will be released digitally on Tabroom.com. No paper ballots or schematics will be distributed. Be sure to pack your chargers and devices!
- Each school must post a judge bond of $200. Judge bonds will be forfeited if judges miss or are late to round assignments. The first round missed will result in forfeiture of the judge bond, and each subsequent round missed will incur a $100 fine.
- Judges who are meeting high school judging obligations may NOT also be listed to judge Middle School Nationals since competition will be occurring at the same time. Coaches of middle school teams who are listed as high school judges may find that they are assigned to judge during middle school competition and should plan accordingly for middle school supervision and judging.
- Any individual entering a tournament venue with a school must be registered on the Judges & Attendees tab of that school’s Tabroom.com registration.
- If someone coming with your school will not be judging, they must be entered under “Attendees”. This includes all judges, coaches, chaperones, parents, siblings, etc. ages 13 or older.
- All these individuals must have or create Tabroom.com accounts. Without this information, attendees will not receive tournament ribbons and will not be able to enter tournament venues.
- Ribbons may be requested for children under the age of 13 during in-person registration; their registration in advance is not required.
- The entry fee is $75 for each solo event entry, $150 for each partner event entry, and $225 for each World Schools Debate entry. Schools that stay within the NSDA hotel block will receive a 15% discount on all entry fees.
- Each school must post a judge bond of $200. This bond is in addition to entry fees and judge fees. If all judges from a school complete all judging assignments, the $200 will be returned after the tournament using the method selected during registration (on the general tab of your tournament registration): refund check by mail or credit to your NSDA membership account. To use the credit for your school membership, you must generate an invoice as usual in the fall and apply the credit to activate your membership.
Payment Instructions
Payment is due May 15. Follow these instructions to create your National Tournament invoice. There are three ways to pay:
Checks payable to National Speech & Debate Association. Mail payment to: NSDA, 6600 Westown Pkwy Ste 270 West Des Moines, IA 50266. Checks must be postmarked by May 15.
Purchase order uploaded in PDF format to the Money tab of your school’s Tabroom.com registration by May 15.
Online via credit card or ACH payment via the school’s NSDA account. There is no processing fee for credit card and ACH payments.
- Full refunds will be issued for changes made before May 15. 50% refunds will be issued for changes made between May 15 – May 22. No refunds will be made after May 22.
- If you make changes to your registration before May 15 but have already created an invoice that is higher than that amount, contact the national office for the invoice to be revised.
- Judge bond refunds will be processed by July 31.
- Overpayments will be processed by July 31 and refunded via the same method selected for judge bond refund.
Online Hotel Booking Site
- The National Tournament hotel block opens on February 3, 2025. All coaches must use the online booking site. This allows us to procure the attendee rates we offer. Please do NOT call the hotels directly to book your hotel rooms.
- Schools staying within the NSDA hotel block will receive 15% off main event and supplemental event entry fees. Make sure you select which hotel you’re staying at and add at least one confirmation number for your hotel reservation on the General tab of your school’s Tabroom.com registration in order for the discount to apply.
- Larger teams requiring ten or more rooms should submit a request when the block opens.
- Teams wishing to pay by check should contact the Speech & Debate Housing Bureau (managed by Catch Des Moines) at reservations@speechanddebate.org or (800) 451-2625. Please note that not every property accepts check payment.
- Every hotel requires a credit card on file for incidentals and cancellation fees even if you are paying by check. If you are paying by check, please select “Yes” in the field under “Additional Information” on the “Guest Details” page and someone from the Speech & Debate Housing Bureau will follow up with you.
Transportation is up to each individual program. Parking at the large outdoor lot near the Convention Center is $12/day. Upon arrival at the lot, the booth agent will give attendees a voucher that allows in and out privileges that day. Bus parking is available and allowed overnight, and the bus drop off location is on 5th Avenue. There is also metered street parking (free on Sundays) and some city ramps for $10 that are within walking distance.
- Parking at the schools that host Middle School Nationals competition on Wednesday and Thursday is free.
Venue & Hotel Maps
Delta Meeting Event Code: NY3QA
Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounts for National Speech & Debate Association. Book now or call Delta Meeting Network® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (EST) and refer to Meeting Event Code NY3QA.
*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation 800 number.
Book now or call (800) 426–1122. | Book now to receive 20% off with CDP 2188961. |
Various food options will be available! We have been pleased to provide free lunches to students at the National Tournament for the last three years thanks to federal funding for the Summer Food Service Program at local host schools. If the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) continues to provide the funding for the program, we will offer this option again this year! Stay tuned for further details and menus.
Our national office is located in West Des Moines! Check out food recommendations from our local staff.
Things to Do
We encourage teams to maximize their speech and debate experience at the tournament by entering supplementals, checking out outrounds, and attending awards. Check out this guide for ideas of things to do and places to eat while you’re in town!
Required Identification
For security reasons, all attendees must wear identifying ribbons at all times. Ribbons are distributed at registration and only official NSDA ribbons should be worn on badges. There are generic competitor ribbons for students and specific versions for Senators and Representatives in Congress. We’ll get you what you need! Coaches and judges receive badges with their names and choose their ribbons. In addition to Coach and Judge ribbons, there are several other identifying and celebratory ribbons coaches can choose from at in-person registration, like First Time at Nationals, District Leader, and more! All other attendees, including parents, chaperones, siblings, and other observers, are required to wear an Attendee ribbon. Attendees can also choose pronoun buttons (students, attendees) or ribbons (adults) to affix to their clothing. All ribbons pin on; please dress accordingly.
Security and Nursing
The NSDA hires security and a nurse or EMT at all competition venues. Nurse/EMT locations will be posted in each venue.
Crisis Communications
The Nats25 app is the hub for all urgent tournament communications. The app will be available for download in June. Please make sure you have push notifications enabled on the app.
Day-by-Day Breakdowns
Registration will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. An adult from each team should stop by to pick up your materials and ask any questions! Teams arriving early should consider checking out some high school rounds as a learning experience. We recommend teams drive to the competition venues before competition begins to become familiar with the daily route and expected travel times.
Competition begins! Students and judges report to their designated competition venue (wearing their ribbons!) for a full day of speech and debate.
Competition continues. The first posting of breaks are announced in the afternoon for competitors advancing to middle school elimination rounds, and elimination rounds begin. High school final rounds begin at the Iowa Events Center, and middle school teams are welcome to attend!
All middle school competition moves to the Iowa Events Center. Elimination rounds continue and culminate with middle school final rounds and the middle school awards ceremony. High school final rounds also continue throughout the day and the week ends with the high school National Awards Assembly where middle school champions are recognized and high school champions are crowned.
Inclusion Resources
Belonging and Inclusion Station
Each competition venue will have a dedicated Belonging and Inclusion Station. The Belonging and Inclusion Station (BIS) is a resource that supports participants who may feel excluded during the tournament. It also helps safeguard against potential violations of the NSDA Harassment and Discrimination Policy. All participants are encouraged to visit the BIS.
Reasons someone might visit the BIS include:

Someone is overheard making inappropriate remarks or jokes.
A powerful performance (that violated no rules) triggers emotions in a contestant or judge, and they need space to process their feelings.
A contestant feels alone at the tournament and wants to withdraw from the tournament.
Report to the Tournament Office to speak to a Belonging and Inclusion Advocate or learn more about the concept on our website.
Sharing Pronouns
Students and judges can add their pronouns to their Tabroom.com profile. Those pronouns will be sent via email to other judges, other competitors, and followers of a section/debate as part of round pairings. Pronouns also will appear on judges’ online or printed ballots. They will not appear on the public Tabroom.com website either to tournament staff or on the public schematics. Pronouns can be modified at any time. Attendees can also pick up ribbons or buttons to pin on that share their pronouns. Please take note of and respect other attendees’ pronouns throughout the tournament.
All Gender Restrooms
We have designated restrooms in each of the venues that can be used by anyone. We thank you for respecting our diverse community of participants, judges, coaches, and observers.
Lactation Room
Each venue will have a designated lactation room. Visit the Tournament Office for access.
Quiet Room
Each venue will have a designated quiet room for students or adults who would like a quiet space for prayer, reflection, or just to decompress. Visit the Tournament Office for access to the quiet room.
Need to request an accommodation for one of your school’s participants? Visit our Accessibility Accommodations form. For any additional questions about reasonable accommodations, contact Dr. Paul Porter at paul.porter@speechanddebate.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your school and your student must be members of the National Speech & Debate Association and your student’s school administration must approve the student representing their school at the Middle School National Tournament. The student’s school administration must also approve the chaperone that will be supervising the student at the tournament in Des Moines and the adult that completes registration for the tournament under the school’s name.
Please share this approval with the national office by emailing info@speechanddebate.org, and we can add you as an administrator on the school’s Tabroom.com registration page. This will allow you to complete registration by May 15.
Students involved with a non-school club must be registered with the school at which they are enrolled; they cannot compete as part of a club or academy. Your school and your student must be members of the National Speech & Debate Association. The student’s school administration must approve the student representing their school at the Middle School National Tournament. The student’s school administration must also approve the chaperone that will be supervising the student at the tournament in Des Moines and the adult that completes registration for the tournament under the school’s name.
Non-school-based clubs are not recognized at the Middle School National Tournament, so competitors that participate in the same club or academy should be prepared to compete against one another at the tournament.
Judges may only cover the obligation of one school; however, if a judge is unable to impartially adjudicate rounds involving competitors from another school due to club or academy affiliations, those conflicts must be registered in Tabroom.com prior to the start of the tournament.
Yes, all rounds are open to spectators. Spectators may include family members, coaches, competitors in other events, competitors in the same event that are not competing at that time, and judges in any event. No recording (audio or visual) of rounds is allowed at the Middle School National Tournament without the written consent of the Association. All spectators are expected to be respectful during rounds.
Judges are responsible for knowing:
- The rules and logistics of judging all events within the category they are registered to judge
- How to find out whether they are judging a particular round via Tabroom.com
- How to complete an online ballot on Tabroom.com
- How to give constructive, culturally competent written feedback to students
While there will be a brief judge training on Wednesday morning before competition begins, judges are expected to have an understanding of the above items before they arrive at the tournament. Please review the required judge accreditation modules to learn more!
All events will use online balloting. To access ballots, judges will log in to Tabroom.com and check Current Ballots & Panels for an assignment before each round! If judges don’t have an assignment but are obligated to judge that day, they will report to the judge pooling room at their competition site. Judges are required to leave written comments on their ballots so students can understand their results and improve. Ballots and the full tournament results packet will be available for students to review after the tournament on Monday, June 23, 2025.
If your school’s judges have met their obligations (reported to all assignments), the $200 judge bond will be refunded. During registration for the Middle School National Tournament, schools indicated on Tabroom.com if they would like their judge bond credited to their 2025-2026 NSDA account or returned in the form of a check. Please log in to Tabroom.com to review your selection. All bonds will be processed and returned after Nationals by July 31, 2025.
Round pairings/schematics (who’s competing against who and where) will be available on Tabroom.com at msnats.tabroom.com.
Yes, judges who are in the speech category should be prepared to judge each speech event at the Middle School National Tournament. Check out the required judge accreditation modules to learn more about each event before the tournament!
Rules protests may only be submitted by adults on site at the tournament. The only adults who can submit a rules protest are a) the school’s NSDA advisor on file, or b) an adult representative who is permitted to file protests on behalf of the school. The adult representative must be approved by the school administration and explicitly appointed prior to the tournament.
If one of the eligible adults wishes to file a rules protest, they must file that protest within one hour of the end of the round in which the infraction occurred.
To file a rules protest, the eligible adult should report to the tournament office to receive the protest form. After the form is filed, the tournament office will contact the eligible adult about next steps.
All rules for the Middle School National Tournament can be found in the Unified Manual which is downloadable at https://speechanddebate.org/middle-school-unified-manual. Please keep in mind that your local/state rules may be different than those used for this tournament. If you still have questions or concerns after consulting the Unified Manual, please email the office pre-tournament or stop by the Tournament Office at your venue and speak to someone on duty there during Nationals.
High school National Tournament participants who are no longer competing on Wednesday are welcome to judge at the Middle School National Tournament! High school students may judge as long as they were juniors or seniors with at least 250 Honor Society points in the last academic year. A rising junior does not meet these criteria. They should arrive at the Middle School National Tournament venue by 8:15 a.m. CT on Wednesday and check in with tournament staff to be registered. They will be required to attend a judge training session before they are permitted to judge.
All students advancing to elimination rounds will receive an award. Review the Middle School Unified Manual for information on how competitors advance to elimination rounds. Additionally, the top 10 speakers in LD, CX, PF, BQ, and WSD will be recognized, and the final session presiding officer will be recognized. Schools receiving School of Excellence awards will also be recognized. All middle school champions report backstage of awards for photos and are recognized on stage at the start of the high school National Awards Assembly Friday evening following Middle School Awards.
Time at Nats
Transportation is up to each individual program. Most opt for rental cars or buses. A discount code for Hertz is available on our website.
There are a variety of options for students who are not competing on Thursday and Friday. Most teams choose to watch final rounds of middle school or high school. You’re also welcome to do some sightseeing in the Des Moines area. Please keep in mind that even if your students are no longer competing, your school’s judges still must fulfill their judging assignments.
Judges should bring a device with internet connectivity so they can access online ballots. Past attendees recommend bringing a reusable water bottle, power strips, and plenty of your favorite snacks. Students dress in competition attire, whatever that means they’re comfortable in! For students and adults we recommend comfortable shoes, and layers.
Competition for the Middle School National Tournament will be held at Timberline and South on Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday competition will be held at the Iowa Events Center. Speech events will be held at one school, and debate events will be held at the other. The schools are about a two-minute driving distance apart, but we do not encourage students to walk between them. Most students are dropped off at competition venues and picked up at the end of the day. Students will refer to pairings to check their rooms and tournament officials will be available to help with navigation.
- Have the attendees create accounts on Tabroom.com.
- Add them to your judge roster.
- Under the “Judges” tab at Nationals, select their names from the dropdown menu and add them to the attendee/observer category. They will appear as a separate list (different from the judge list). Don’t worry—they won’t judge if they are under the observer list!
To compete in the Middle School National Tournament, each student must be supervised by an adult approved by the principal. The adult supervisor must be the student’s coach, a school district faculty member or administrator, or the child’s own parent(s). The supervising adult must stay at the same lodging with student(s) under their supervision. Students without an accredited supervisor staying in the same lodging will not be permitted to participate in the tournament. Coaches from other school districts may not be the adult supervisor without prior written permission of both school district superintendents submitted to the NSDA before the entry will be accepted.
For security reasons, all attendees must wear identifying ribbons at all times. Ribbons are distributed at registration. We’ll get you what you need! There are generic competitor ribbons for students and coaches and judges receive badges with their names and choose their ribbons. In addition to Coach and Judge ribbons, there are several other identifying and celebratory ribbons coaches can choose from at in-person registration, like First Time at Nationals, District Leader, and more! All other attendees, including parents, chaperones, siblings, and other observers, are required to wear an Attendee ribbon. Attendees can also choose pronoun buttons (students, attendees) or ribbons (adults) to affix to their clothing. All ribbons pin on; please dress accordingly.
In the lead-up to the tournament, contact the national office as you regularly would at info@speechanddebate.org or by calling (920) 748-6206. For accommodation requests, please contact Dr. Paul Porter at paul.porter@speechanddebate.org. During the tournament, your key sources of information are the Nationals website (www.speechanddebate.org/nationals) and the Nats25 Guidebook app. If you can’t find the answer there, you can follow signs to stop by the Tournament Office in person at any competition venue or email the NSDA Helpline at info@speechanddebate.org for remote assistance if you are unable to visit the Tournament Office. You can also stop anyone wearing a Tournament Official ribbon or Tournament Staff T-shirt to ask for help!