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Martin Luther King Jr. Day Video

Help Create the 2024 MLK Day Video!

We’re excited to have you join us in creating a powerful video for MLK Day! Our aim is to commemorate this important day by featuring you, our speech and debate students, delivering an inspiring speech by Martin Luther King Jr. Please submit your video by Friday, December 8, 2023.


Following these guidelines will help ensure a seamless recording process.

Camera Setup

    • Place your camera (or phone) at eye level for the best angle.
    • Make sure the camera lens is clean and free from smudges.
    • Vertical or portrait orientation is preferred for video recording.
      • Frame yourself so your shoulders are in view, to make sure you aren’t too close to the camera.
    • After recording, check the video for quality and content.


    • Select a clean and uncluttered background. A plain wall or a tidy room is ideal.
    • Avoid any distracting or offensive items in the background.


    • Record in a quiet environment to minimize background noise.
    • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.


    • The best format for uploaded videos is .MP4 or .MOV. Compressed video formats (like .3GP) are discouraged. YouTube links will not be accepted. 


    • If you have a shirt that represents your school or speech and debate team, feel free to wear it and represent!


    • Choose a well-lit space to record your speech.
    • Make sure you are facing your light source and you are not back-lit.


Please record yourself reciting this speech. Before beginning, state your first and last name, school name, and state.

“This is the most important and crucial period of your lives, for what you do now and what you decide now at this age may well determine which way your life shall go. The question is, whether you have a proper, a solid, and a sound blueprint. I want to suggest some of the things that should be in your life’s blueprint.

Number one in your life’s blueprint should be, a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. Don’t allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.

If you can’t be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley.

Be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.

Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.

If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail.

If you can’t be a sun, be a star.

For it isn’t by size that you win or you fail.

Be the BEST of whatever you are.”

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