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Available Courses

Intro to NSDA Coaching
Learn to manage your team roster, enter points, understand competition rules, find tournaments, and manage your team.

Community Learning Series: Unit Four: Culturally Responsive Feedback
This session explains the importance of culturally responsive feedback and offers tips on how to enhance the student experience positively and productively.

Community Learning Series: Unit Three: Building an Inclusive Community
Inclusive communities bring together diverse identities and ideologies, work to ensure fairness, and invite all members to participate in decision-making processes. This session presents the advantages of an inclusive community, outlines steps for community building, and explores constructive dialogue to address moments of disagreement and conflict.

Community Learning Series: Unit One: Multicultural Competence
Multicultural Competence is the knowledge, awareness, and skills needed to work meaningfully, relevantly, and productively with others who are culturally different from oneself.

Community Learning Series: Unit Two: Communication Errors: Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions
Inspired by the book The Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication, this session focuses on ways our communication (despite the best intentions) can be harmful and even destructive to a team culture.

Intro to Coaching: World Schools
Learn the basics of World Schools Debate including responding to impromptu motions, structuring the team, strategy for points of order, and more.

Intro to Coaching Extemp Speaking
Learn the basics of Extemporaneous Speaking, including guidance for choosing a question and crafting a response, using prep time, and running practices.

Intro to Policy Debate
Learn the basics of Policy Debate, including the different types of arguments and responses, round structure, and strategy.

Intro to Coaching: Public Forum
Learn the basics of Public Forum Debate including the structure of the round, purpose and strategy behind each speech, and tools for success in coaching both in the classroom and at tournaments.

A Reflection Guide for Speech and Debate: Advocate
The goal of this reflection guide is to help speech and debate professionals consider various perspectives and reflect on those areas that are necessary to become both successful and impactful. Throughout this course, educators will reflect upon and set goals relating to advocating for their school and students as well as being an advocate for the activity in general.

A Reflection Guide for Speech and Debate: Coach
The goal of this reflection guide is to help speech and debate professionals consider various perspectives and reflect on those areas that are necessary to become both successful and impactful. Throughout this course, educators will reflect upon and set goals relating to increasing their own professional knowledge, fostering a team culture that allows all students to grow and feel valued, and creating a healthy competitive environment.

A Reflection Guide for Speech and Debate: Educator
The goal of this reflection guide is to help speech and debate professionals consider various perspectives and reflect on those areas that are necessary to become both successful and impactful. Throughout this course, educators will reflect upon and set goals relating to reviewing and updating curriculum, promoting cross-curricular critical speaking, listening, and information literacy curriculum, and providing a safe environment that is ready to promote all students’ voices.

A Reflection Guide for Speech and Debate: Evaluator
The goal of this reflection guide is to help speech and debate professionals consider various perspectives and reflect on those areas that are necessary to become both successful and impactful. Throughout this course, educators will reflect upon and set goals relating to providing feedback, effectively grading and using assessment as a tool for learning, helping your students to interpret the feedback, and encouraging your students to practice self-reflection and self-evaluation.

Requesting, Hiring, and Mentoring Assistant Coaches
The length of most speech and debate seasons, the size of your program, and the various events to choose from are all powerful arguments for an assistant coach, both for educational value and for your personal wellbeing. This course explores the types of assistant coaches and how to request, hire, onboard, and mentor them.

Intro to Coaching: Lincoln-Douglas
Learn the basics of Lincoln-Douglas Debate including the structure of the round, purpose and strategy behind each speech, and tools for success in coaching both in the classroom and at tournaments.

Advocating for a Class
Offering a speech and debate class can give your program stability, increase participation, and offer greater work/life balance. In this course you will prepare to showcase interest, demonstrate how a class helps your school achieve its goals, determine the positioning and structure of your course, make a pitch incorporating data and student voices, and plan for the year ahead.

Belonging and Inclusion Advocate Training
This training is designed to give you a full picture of the Belonging and Inclusion Station (BIS) as well as the role of the Belonging and Inclusion Advocate (BIA). The certification course consists of two videos (approximately 2 hours in total) and one quiz.

How to Build a Student Leadership Program
Offering leadership opportunities on your team facilitates peer coaching and mentorship, positively influences team culture, fosters leadership qualities in students, and inspires the next generation of coaches. This resource explores formal and informal student leadership opportunities with examples from programs around the country. Implement these models directly or use them to inspire one of your own.

Intro to Philosophy in Debate
This course serves as an introduction to the most common philosophies in debate. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to apply philosophies to strengthen or weaken arguments, differentiate the three main branches of philosophy, and engage constructively with philosophies that are commonly used in competitive debates.

Intro to Kritiks
This course introduces the fundamentals of kritikal debate in Policy and Lincoln-Douglas. Upon completion of the course, members will be able to explain and identify types of kritikal arguments, as well as respond to them in round with little preparation by attacking their framework, utilizing turns, indicting the alternative, making permutations, and more. This course also offers an overview of how to run a K.

Intro to Framework
Students and coaches will learn the purpose and structure of framework in LD, as well as common philosophical theories. Upon completion of this course, members will be able to explain and respond to common frameworks in round or in the classroom.

Building Supportive Cultures to Prevent Bullying and Harassment
Protecting students and fostering a positive team culture is critical for an enduring, stable program. Upon completion of this course, members will be able to identify and address power imbalances, set explicit rules and boundaries for adults working with youth, and prepare to implement strategies to actively develop cultures that both make bullying unacceptable and increase the probability students will notify you when concerns arise.

Engaging and Mentoring Students with Disabilities
This course will provide an overview of key terms, challenges, and potential strategies for supporting students with disabilities. Upon completion of the course, members will be able to chart a course forward, identify and implement the basic legal requirements for creating an accessible environment through the IDEA and Section 504 regulation, and explain potential applications for accommodations and modifications in practice and competitive forums.

Intro to Coaching: Dramatic and Humorous Interp
Learn the basics of coaching HI and DI including event structure, considerations for selecting literature, sample cuttings, activities for characterization, and more.

Performance Breakdown: Crafting a Duo Interp
Dive into the process of putting together a Duo performance from start to finish. This course, geared toward both students and coaches, offers a look behind the scenes at the cutting, blocking, practicing, and performing of a final round Duo.

Engaging and Mentoring LGBTQ+ Students
Learn best practices for engaging and mentoring LGBTQ+ students, including concrete strategies for both LGBTQ+ coaches and straight cis coaches to recruit, offer a safe space, and advocate for student needs.

Intro to Coaching: Informative Speaking and Original Oratory
Learn the basics of coaching OO and Info including event structure, topic selection, research, the writing process, delivery, and revision.

Intro to Coaching: Program Oral Interp
Learn the fundamentals of coaching POI, including considerations for literature selection, refining and defining arguments, blocking, video examples, and tips for binder movement.

Intro to Coaching: Congress
Explore the fundamentals of coaching Congressional Debate including strategies for helping students write effective legislation, ideas for team practices, persuasive delivery techniques, and more.

District Leader Onboarding
This course is designed to help district leaders to assess, sustain, and improve their NSDA district. Seasoned and new leaders alike will benefit from this course as it strives to incorporate best practices and strategies that will help each NSDA district thrive regardless of its demographics.
What Learners are Saying
Overall I thought the course was strong and offered some very concrete explanations on the different issues related to framework in Lincoln Douglas debate and perhaps clarified a few things for me as well.
Useful especially in a post-COVID environment, when it seems like the kids on my team are a year or two behind when it comes to socio-emotional maturity, yet are expected to shoulder all the responsibilities that come with their actual ages.
– Building Supportive Cultures to Prevent Bullying and Harassment
The courses are easy to navigate and full of valuable information.
It is a wonderful way to work at your own pace and receive coaching certification.
I found the courses extremely helpful and earning those PD points helped me to re-certify this year.