Judge Training Introductory Courses

Cultural Competence Judge Training
Judges play an important role in supporting students’ educational and competitive endeavors. This course is designed to help judges ensure they are providing culturally competent and inclusive performance feedback and decisions that meet students where they are in order to create safe spaces and healthy competition.
Certify Completion in Tabroom.com: This training is required of judges who participate in NSDA-hosted tournaments. To certify completion of this course in Tabroom.com, select “Judge Certifications” under the Judging header, select the button in the “Take” column next to Cultural Competency, mark the “Yes” checkbox, and “Save Answers.” A badge certifying completion of this course will appear on your public judge paradigm in Tabroom.com.
Adjudicating Speech and Debate
This course is designed to help you identify the different types of speech and debate events, review basic judging guidelines for each event, and includes example student performances so you can practice judging while receiving tips on what to note during an actual round. This course also includes the aforementioned Cultural Competence Judge Training modules.