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About HeinOnline

The National Speech & Debate Association is proud to partner with William S. Hein & Co. to provide all Association members with access to HeinOnline—an outstanding source of legal scholarship normally only available to law students and legal professionals—at no additional cost. According to their website:

HeinOnline is a premier online research platform that provides more than 235 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully searchable image-based PDFs and available at an affordable price, the wealth of material allows researchers access to authoritative, true-to-print digital material without the hassle or cost of using multiple research databases. 

Every document across HeinOnline’s 100+ databases is an exact facsimile of its print counterpart, providing access to original, authoritative sources as well as the ease and speed that accompanies online searching. To improve the discoverability of relevant content, we’ve also incorporated unique artificial intelligence tools and research aids throughout our various databases. 

Take a moment to learn a bit more about why individuals researchers, organizations, and libraries from around the world choose HeinOnline.

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HeinOnline Includes

Law Journal Library

The Library contains more than 2,000 law and law-related periodicals searchable by article title, author, subject, state or country published, full text, and narrow by date.

Immigration Law and Policy in the U.S.

This monumental collection is a compilation of the most important historical documents and legislation related to immigration in the United States as well as current hearings, debates and recent developments in immigration law. This first comprehensive database includes BIA Precedent Decisions, legislative histories, law and policy titles, extradition titles, scholarly articles, an extensive bibliography, and other related works.


The Foreign Relations of the United States Series began in 1861 and now comprises hundreds of books. It presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. The Foreign Relations volumes contain documents from various Presidential libraries, the Department of State and Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other foreign affairs agencies.

European Center for Minority Issues

The ECMI conducts practice-oriented research, provides information and documentation, and offers advisory services concerning minority-majority relations in Europe. This library contains several publications of the ECMI, including ECMI Reports and Working Papers.

History of International Law

This library contains classic books from famous authors such as Hans Kelsen, Samuel Pufendorf and James Brown Scott. It also includes significant serials such as the International Law Studies Series [U.S. Naval War College], International Conciliation, Studies in Transnational Legal Policy, and many others.