The National Speech & Debate Association was created in 1925 to provide recognition and support for students participating in speech and debate activities. While our organization has evolved over the decades, our mission is more relevant today than ever before. We connect, support, and inspire a diverse community committed to empowering students through competitive speech and debate.
The National Speech & Debate Association is the world’s largest honor society devoted to speech and debate activities, and bestows numerous awards and recognition to its large and diverse student, coach, and school members. We also host the largest academic competition in the world, the National Speech & Debate Tournament. In addition, we provide numerous benefits to our members, such as resources, programs, publications, and scholarships.

You advertise.
We distribute.
National Tournament Expo

Every year, students, coaches, teachers, parents, and supporters from across the country attend the National Tournament. The student competitors represent the best and brightest young people across the United States and the globe. You don’t want to miss this unique educational event to reach an outstanding group of young people and their supporters.

Print Publications

Rostrum is the official magazine of the National Speech & Debate Association. This quarterly magazine provides the speech and debate community with news, scholarly articles, and national updates. As a dedicated publication for the speech and debate community, it is the source for professionals to learn and innovate in their careers and for students to get introduced and thrive in the speech and debate community.
Ads start as low as $475!
Digital Opportunities

Each month, the National Speech & Debate Association sends emails to thousands of coaches and
students. These newsletters allow for a banner ad from an advertiser. The ad will be a banner design with a clickable link to your URL.
Tabroom, a project of the NSDA, is a tournament management system for speech and debate tournaments worldwide.
Share your message with
3,500 High Schools
600 Middle Schools
5,200 Coaches
140,000 Students
Extend your reach at Nationals
7,000 Attendees
6,500 Tournament Books are Distributed to Coaches and Teachers
7,000 Access the National Tournament App from their Phone or Device
We can design your ad!
It’s quick, easy, and affordable. For $125, we will create a beautiful, print-ready ad just for you!
We’re here to help! Email for more information.