2024 National Speech & Debate Champions
High School National Champions
Speech Events

Lanny D. and B. J. Naegelin Dramatic Interpretation
Coached by Eddy Cavazos and John Harper Reynolds

Dr. Tommie Lindsey, Jr. Duo Interpretation
in Minnesota
Coached by Anita Ukpokolo and the White Bear Lake Coaching Staff

Humorous Interpretation
Coached by Eddy Cavazos and John Harper Reynolds

Informative Speaking
Coached by Jacob Leger and Brittany Turner

A. C. Eley International Extemporaneous Speaking
Coached by Tim Averill and Shannon Babu

Pam and Joe Wycoff Original Oratory
Coached by Ryan Levesque and Joele Denis

Program Oral Interpretation
Coached by Larrisha “Birdie” McDonnough

Carmendale Fernandes United States Extemporaneous Speaking
Coached by Melinda McCormack
Debate Events

Congressional Debate – House
Coached by Bryce Piotrowski and Calen Cabler

Congressional Debate – Senate
Arnav Misra from Miramonte High School in California
Coached by Kristen Plant

Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Calista Woo from Mountain View High School in California
Coached by Julie Herman

Richard B. Sodikow Policy Debate
Coached by Aaron Langerman, Tyler Vergho, Ani Prabhu, and Adarsh Hiremath

Public Forum Debate
William Brown and Ben Hodges from Durham Academy in North Carolina
Coached by Crawford Leavoy, Rachel Mauchline, Elliott Beamer, Raiyan Choudhury, and Anisha Musti

World Schools Debate
Coached by Karissa Talty

Big Questions Debate
Coached by Donald H. Broussard, Jr.
Supplemental Events

Brother René Sterner Commentary
Jonah Downs from Trinity Preparatory School in Florida
Coached by Benjamin Gaddis, Julia Hren, and Quinn McKenzie

Expository Speaking
Sebastian Blanco from Downers Grove South High School in Illinois
Coached by Justin Matkovich, Jan Heiteen, and Elighie Wilson

Extemporaneous Debate
Coached by Parker Hopkins, Jaggard Williams, Alicia Stout, Kristen Stout, Graham Revare, Eric Morris, Talyna Morris, and Bobby Phillips

Coached by Danielle Greenberg and Jill Dougherty

Original Spoken Word Poetry
Coached by Katy Russell and Jake Zartman

Poetry Reading
Coached by Nick Herink and Elle Bart

Prose Reading
Coached by Eddy Cavazos and John Harper Reynolds

Coached by Eddy Cavazos and John Harper Reynolds
Middle School National Champions

Congressional Debate
Coached by Stephan Voudris, Shannon Carlson, and Samuel Berlin

Coached by Sal Tinajero and Emily Benavides

Dramatic Interpretation
Coached by Joele Denis, Charese Folks, Ryan Levesque, Spencer Orlowski, and Thadeus Smith

Duo Interpretation
Coached by Joele Denis, Charese Folks, Ryan Levesque, Spencer Orlowski, and Thadeus Smith

Humorous Interpretation
Coached by Adriena Toghia, Amelia Burns, and Mariela Garcia-Alvarado

Impromptu Speaking
Coached by Mike Kyle

Informative Speaking
Coached by Mariela Garcia-Alvarado, Salvador Tinajero, and the Advantage Communications Team

Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Coached by Steven Leal and Jennifer Cho

Mixed Extemporaneous Speaking
Coached by Hannah Wilson, Nathan Fleming, Jenny Achten, Greg Achten, and Scott Odekirk

Original Oratory
Annette Lee from Parks Junior High in California
Coached by Adriena Toghia, Amelia Burns, and Mariela Garcia-Alvarado

Original Spoken Word Poetry
Rachael McCall from Cabot Junior High North in Arkansas
Coached by Tiffany Tucker

Coached by Joele Denis, Charese Folks, Ryan Levesque, Spencer Orlowski, and Thadeus Smith

Policy Debate
Coached by Scott Wheeler

Program Oral Interpretation
Natalie Hong from Parks Junior High in California
Coached by Adriena Toghia, Amelia Burns, and Mariela Garcia-Alvarado

Coached by Sal Tinajero and Emily Benavides

Public Forum Debate
Coached by Joele Denis, Charese Folks, Ryan Levesque, Spencer Orlowski, and Thadeus Smith

Coached by Barbara Shofner and Nicolle Berg

World Schools Debate
Coached by Collin Tuerk, Gianna Colby, and Marty De
National Student of the Year

2024 National Student of the Year
The William Woods Tate, Jr., National Student of the Year award, presented by Richard Bitner in honor of David Price, is one of the most honorable and renowned student awards presented by the National Speech & Debate Association. The Student of the Year is awarded to a graduating senior member who has been honored as a District Student of the Year and who best represents the tenets of the Association’s Code of Honor: humility, equity, integrity, respect, leadership, and service.