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The 1925 Society

Aarzu Maknojia
The 1925 Society recognizes the extraordinary commitment of speech and debate coaches, alumni, and supporters who have chosen to remember the National Speech & Debate Association in their will or estate plans. Members of the 1925 Society play an important role in accomplishing the NSDA’s mission of providing speech and debate opportunities to students throughout the country.

As a 1925 Society member, you know that your gift will continue to change the lives of young people.

How to Join

The 1925 Society was founded in 2016 to honor members of the speech and debate community who have decided to include the National Speech & Debate Association in their will or estate plans.

There are many ways to become a member of the 1925 Society. As you consider your plans, here are a few options you may wish to know about.

Begin your legacy with us:

Remembering the NSDA in your will or trust ensures that your assets will be used to provide the next generation of students with opportunities to participate in life-changing speech and debate activities. To help you get started on your plans and legacy, you can use FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating your will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online and can be completed in 20 minutes. FreeWill is a free and secure service for you to gain peace of mind, even if you do not leave the NSDA as a beneficiary. 

You can use this resource on its own here, or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney. 

Designating the NSDA as a beneficiary on your retirement accounts and insurance policies:

Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will? If so, these are called non-probate assets and you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. Use this online tool to make your plans and designate us as a beneficiary of one or more of these assets. Making the NSDA a beneficiary on these accounts costs you nothing now and allows your loved ones to avoid paying additional taxes on these assets.

Giving from your individual retirement account:

Speech and debate supporters aged 70½ or older who are required to take minimum distributions may transfer these payments directly to the NSDA without incurring any tax penalties.

Donating appreciated stock:

These gifts eliminate the capital gains tax and provide a tax deduction at the stock’s current value.

I have been an NSDA member for 55 years and attended 53 consecutive National Tournaments. That is my past. More important is my future: an annual gift to the NSDA, and a bequest in my estate plan. The 1925 Society will guarantee the NSDA an even brighter future. I am a charter member. You should be, too.
James Copeland

Director Emeritus

Have you already included a gift in your will for the NSDA? Please fill out this form so that we can thank you for your generosity!

We hope you will consider adding your name to this list. Your early support for the 1925 Society will show new coaches, recent alumni, and our other supporters that those who have been most committed to speech and debate in the past are the strongest champions for ensuring its future.

Please keep in mind, it is important to consult with your financial advisor and / or attorney in order to make a gift that best suits your needs. We have a PDF of simple language for you to utilize here. When drafting language to benefit the NSDA, the legal beneficiary should be referred to as the National Forensic League (Federal Tax ID#39-0840589).

If you have questions about the FreeWill partnership or the 1925 Society, please contact Tova Hettinger by calling (920) 748-6206) or emailing

Group of students together smiling

Members of the 1925 Society

The National Speech & Debate Association is grateful to acknowledge the following individuals and families who have chosen to make speech and debate a part of their legacy by joining the 1925 Society.

Susan Anderson


Byron Arthur

Phyllis Flory Barton

Jane Boyd

James Copeland

Don and Ann Crabtree

Rob Dekoven

Dr. Mike Edmonds

A. C. Eley

Vickie and Joe Fellers

Aaron Hardy

Bill and Charlotte Hicks

David and Judy Huston

Jennifer Jerome

Harold Keller

Kandi King

Cherian and Betsy Koshy

Paige Lalicker

Dr. Tommie Lindsey, Jr.

Aarzu Maknojia

Pam and Ray McComas

H. B. Mitchell

Lanny and B. J. Naegelin

Khang Minh Ngo

Albert Odom, Jr.

Randi Oleson

J. W. Patterson

Cpt. Joseph L. and Jan Pizzo

David Price

Dr. Polly and Bruce Reikowski

Donus and Lovila Roberts

James Rye, III

Steve and Anna Schappaugh

David Seikel

Michael Shapiro

Sandra Silvers

Yatesh Singh and Liz Vieira

Thadeus Hagan Smith

Richard Sodikow

William Woods Tate, Jr.

Scott and Chan Waldrop

Nicole and Darrel Wanzer-Serrano

Cheryl Watkins

Dr. Sue Wenzlaff

Abigail Wichlacz

Chase Williams

J. Scott and Megan Wunn

Joe and Pam Wycoff

David and Tatiana Yastremski