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Board Appointment

The Board of Directors is the legal governing entity of the NSDA and is responsible for the ultimate direction of the management of the affairs of the organization, including serving as primary policymakers and overseeing the Executive Director. The NSDA Board will be composed of at least four active member coaches, at least one administrator, and other leaders with diverse education and/or nonprofit expertise. Board members are selected and appointed by the existing Board of Directors.
National Speech & Debate Association
Eligibility and Candidacy

Self-nominations, as well as nominations made with the approval of the nominee, are accepted on an ongoing basis. In 2025, nominations submitted by February 15 will be considered by the nominating committee of the Board of Directors based on the following criteria:

  • mission alignment and commitment;
  • availability and commitment to meetings and work;
  • geographic and community representation, reach, and location;
  • nonprofit or board service experience;
  • experience in or willingness to support fundraising efforts;
  • prior experience and affinity with speech and debate;
  • audience expansion to new constituencies and supporters; and
  • any current needs in a target or strategy area for the organization.
2024-2025 Board of Directors

President Byron Arthur, Louisiana – Elected
Vice President David Huston, Texas – Elected
Jamelle Brown, Kansas – Appointed
Alan Coverstone, Washington, D.C. – Appointed
Sara Gibson, Washington, D.C. – Appointed
Adam Jacobi, Wisconsin – Elected
Erez Kalir, California – Appointed
Anoop Mishra, Alabama – Appointed
Renee Motter, Colorado – Elected
Wendy Orthman, California – Appointed
Jay Rye, Alabama – Appointed
Holly Williams, Arizona – Appointed


All Board terms will be three years in length. Board members will be permitted to be appointed to two consecutive terms and then a third term after completing a full-term hiatus. Terms and seats will be staggered as to limit the number of vacant seats in any given year as much as possible. At its discretion, the Board may determine by 2/3 majority vote to extend a term by no more than a year to accommodate for unexpected vacancies resulting in too large of a transition in membership.

Parameters for NSDA Board Service

The Board of Directors is a 100% appointed Board of no less than eleven members. The Board will be populated with a minimum of four active NSDA coach members from active NSDA member schools and one current secondary school or school district administrator. The remaining seats on the Board will be appointed based on the greatest needs to meet the mission and vision of the organization. NSDA member coach representatives will never represent less than 30% of Board membership.

Selection Process

A Board-appointed nominations committee will accept nominations for upcoming Board seats on an ongoing basis. Self-nominations will be allowed. The nominations committee will vet and interview nominees and bring forward a recommendation of individuals for Board consideration. The full Board will determine all final appointments to the Board of Directors. Final appointments will be made by May 1.

The Role of the NSDA Board

The Board of Directors is the legal governing entity of the NSDA and is responsible for the ultimate direction of the management of the affairs of the organization, including serving as primary policymakers and overseeing the Executive Director. The NSDA Board will be composed of at least four active member coaches, at least one administrator, and other leaders with diverse education and/or nonprofit expertise. Board members are selected and appointed by the existing Board of Directors.

NSDA Board Meetings

The NSDA Board holds four quarterly meetings, one to two of which are in-person meetings involving travel costs for the participants. In addition, each Board member is on at least one standing committee that meets quarterly online between Board meetings. Each Board member also has the option to attend all or part of the National Speech & Debate Tournament in June to volunteer and provide support.

Important Deadlines

  • Board Member Interest Forms are due February 15, 2025.
  • Anyone selected as a finalist by the Board nominating committee will be invited to interview in February through April of 2025.
  • Final appointments will be made by May 1, 2025, for terms beginning in the 2025-2026 school year..

Full Structure In Place

By the fall of 2026, there will be a minimum of 11 Board members who have all been appointed and are serving current staggered terms and a minimum of 17 CR Leadership Committee members who have either been regionally elected or appointed by the Executive Director and are serving current staggered terms.


As the Competition and Rules Leadership Committee takes shape, the NSDA will shift to a 100% appointed Board of Directors of no less than 11 members by August 1, 2026. The Board of Directors is the legal governing entity of the Association and will retain responsibility for the ultimate direction of the management of the affairs of the organization, including serving as the primary policymakers and overseeing the Executive Director. Like today’s Board, this Board will be composed of coaches, at least one administrator, and other leaders with diverse education and/or nonprofit expertise.

The NSDA Board of Directors will also appoint a minimum of four active NSDA coach members from active NSDA member schools. Two active NSDA coaches will be appointed in 2024, and those Board members will also serve on the CR Leadership Committee. Candidates seeking appointment to the Board may submit an application for consideration, or be nominated for consideration.

Additional Information

For more background on the changes to the NSDA Board of Directors, the creation of the CR Leadership Committee, and the governance processes that led there, please review the 2023 Fall Board Minutes, available online at